Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Top Tier List For All Roles - Top Jungle Mid ADC Support

I'm going to be giving my personal take of the top tier champions in each role.  Each role will have a Tier 1 and Tier 2.  Tier 1 meaning the best, top notch, with Tier 2 meaning very strong.  Anything below that I won't be going over as I don't think they currently give any extra reason to write about them.  So we'll start off with the top lane.

Tier 1 Top Laners in 3.14:

Shyvana - Naturally tanky, farms super easily and quickly, mixed damage so hard to itemize against her, good split pusher to draw in lots of attention, gap closer and speed.

Nasus - Late game god status if allowed to farm, both super tanky and super strong DPS, build path is very easy, if he picks up any kills by roaming on using TP to counter gank/gank he can snowball hugely.

Renekton - Great lane bully, great AD scaling so doesn't need to build much dmg to do lots of dmg, very safe laner with stuns, escapes, and ultimate that gives health/dmg.

Jax - Snowball king, once rolling it's hard to stop a fed Jax.  Little weaker early game that transitions into a hyper carry late game.

Tier 2 Top Laners in 3.14:

Singed - After getting a couple small items, he can be a huge nuissance to deal with being hard to kill with his tankiness, plus hard to catch and never easy to chase.  If fed any kills he can become a huge disruption for team fights.

Riven - Safe early, known as one of the best First Blood champions in the game.  Has arguably the best lvl 1 all in of any champ.  Generally can get 50%+ of someone's health bar at level 1 very easily and upon reaching level 2 getting an early First Blood and snowballing victory from there.

Wukong - Super strong lvl 2 all in, can be tanky while still building damage, great initiator and with gap closers/escapes can be a big team fight disruptor.

Tier 1 Junglers in 3.14:

Shyvana - Clear's jungle super fast, farm farm farm to victory.  Weak ganks but can just counter jungle and clear her own jungle before the enemy notices she cleared their camps.  Becomes a threat because outlevels your jungler and gets big with lots of gold income.  Her ganks rely on other teammates CC to make it more successful, or if the enemy is well out of position.

Olaf - Hard champ to balance, but in the right hands where he doesn't miss many axes, his ganks can be devastating.  He has good clear speeds, has sustain, and true damage.  Oh and I forgot, he can't be CC'd while his ultimate is up.  He's amazing for diving the back line and dealing significant damage especially since whoever he's on is usually not getting away.

Evelynn - Queen of the Ganks right now with how vision wards have changed.  She can sneak around pretty much undetected 90% of the game making small psychological decisions in your favor.  You can never be sure if an Eve is near you so you could constantly be thinking I probably shouldn't over extend for this kill because she might be near, letting those advantages you build goto waste.

Sejuani - Strong clear speeds, but her ganks and initiations can be super brutal.  The fact that she can initiate from such a large distance can strike fear into many opponents.  From literally an entire screen away, thinking you're safe, to realize now you're stunned with an entire enemy team closing in to punch in your face, she can be brutal to go against.  With gap closers, good solid damage, and a stun ultimate, she's a beast to compete with.

Tier 2 Junglers in 3.14

Rammus - A Rammus has had good success this patch.  One with increased gold to get to his godly armor status more quickly, to alot of the burst type champions that are out now.  He provides amazing disruption to carries that need to just get in and out of your line quickly.  His taunt never seems to be down and he can actually pull out some rough damage once his core items are set.  Plus how many times have you seen the rolling ball come at you knowing you are not getting away and these are your last few seconds of life?

Jarvan - One of the best junglers because of how strong his ganks are.  Simply landing his Flag Combo into his snare is almost always a secured kill unless you blow some major cooldowns.  He simply forces you to tango with him and if you're caught within his vicinity you will either fight the Will of Demacia or go down swinging.

Amumu - Has really strong clear speeds once his items get going.  His team fight presence is strong especially with a fight changing ultimate.  He provides constant pressure with his aoe damage and if rolling, he can single handedly win team fights.  He completely relies on landing his Bandage Toss on the enemies though, if he is off that game without landing them, then you are lucky the mummy is not on his A game.

Tier 1 Mid Laners in 3.14

Kassadin - Pretty much a broken champion.  He's behind in your lane?  Doesn't matter, he can roam and he'll pick up a double kill bot.  From there he'll snowball and then proceed to kill you afterwards.  Last patch was actually a buff for Kassadin surprisingly and he has only gotten stronger.  Silence is such a strong CC that is often overlooked.  Have you tried to play Riven or Zed while trying to kill a Kassadin?  It can be super rough, and once you're out of CD's, he'll come chasing after you too.  He's pretty much impossible to gank past level 6 and there's no running from him either.

Ziggs - Super bully, great sieging, and man picking up those kills when you're half way across the map can be hilarious.  The major suit that fits him well with this patch is sieging well, he can constantly harass you under your tower forcing you to back and allowing his team to take your tower down along with it.  He has low CD's on all of his main abilities to constantly keep people in check.  Plus with a good Ziggs player, he can be hard to catch with his snares for you and him being able to jump away even over walls.

Tier 2 Mid Laners in 3.14

Brand - He actually pumps out alot of damage that people don't really notice and he can set up some great plays with his stun combo.  Also just the shear amount of aoe damage he's able to pull off in team fights swings fights to his favor.  Have you had his ult bounce between your duo and yourself?  If he's anyway ahead he will obliterate you instantly.  Can be tricky though since he relies on some skillshots to get his combo off but if he's on target, you'll be burnt to a crisp.

Morgana - People might not see Morgana being that strong but a well played one I see is so formidable.  Her shield blocking CC and magic damage makes most middle match ups much easier to handle than say another mage.  Also providing that shield to support your other carries or front line can be so clutch.  A good Morgana and a decent one has such a wide spread of versatality but when she's well played, she is for one, hard to get away from, and two such a clutch champion with making plays.

Tier 1 ADC's in 3.14

Sivir - The top dog of win rates right now with this patch, there's no reason why Sivir is not instantly the top tier ADC this patch.  Boasting the win rate she's at with the pick rate, it's easy to see why though.  Her kit is so good now, especially her ultimate, a free disengage to an amazing engagement.  There's not much that needs to be said about her, she's probably in line for some nerfs coming up.

Lucian - Burst damage ADC king if you ask me.  When he can Q W with auto weaves in between and take out half your health within those 3 seconds, it's no wonder why he's so strong now.  He's mobile, hard to catch, bursty as hell, and works amazing on objectives.  Sivir and Lucian are the only goto ADC's to go for right now, everyone else is trash.

Tier 2 ADC's in 3.14

Jinx - Probably the only ADC that comes near the top dogs at the moment.  She can siege well with her minigun Q and can stay that extra second or two to make sure it goes down utilising her passive to run the hell away.  She has really solid damage so dueling is not really an issue with her especially if she lands her W on a target.  It'll just mainly come down to who's ahead or not in the bot lane.  She can pick up kills and assists with her Global Execute though so she can catch up just like that!

Draven - Really good trading early game and if he's ever ahead, he's a wrecking ball to take out.  He'll bust out kills before you're able to take him down if you don't stop him early enough.  His trading potential will get out of hand if he ever gets a double kill bot with the enemy team not picking up anything.  From behind though he doesn't offer much of a threat considering he relies on snowballing and being ahead since he doesn't really bring much else to the table except maybe a few lucky snipes with his ultimate.

Varus - Varus stays relevant because of his % based damage he can do, sniping from long range, and an amazing initation tool.  Catching someone out with his ultimate is pretty much a guaranteed kill because it gives people more than enough time to take out a target.  Especially if a team is grouped up, that's where Varus can shine dealing massive damage to multiple targets on top of picking off targets that are trying to escape the fray.

Caitlyn - Will pretty much always be relevant because of her natural long range, if she pushes you out of lane and doesn't die, there's not much you can do about it.  She's great at sieging and keeping you from getting CS safely.  Caitlyn can have an easy time canceling out the other ADC if you give her the opportunity to do so.  Sadly though with the rise of the very tanky supports nowadays, she doesn't fare as well because she doesn't do well in All-In situations and relies on poking and playing it safe.  As long as Leona/Taric/Thresh are popular and used against her, she won't be as successful.

Tier 1 Supports in 3.14

Taric - Taric is just so good right now because he brings all the tools out.  More armor for your team? Check, sustain? Check, Stun/Peeling? Check, More damage? Check.  He is just naturally super tanky and can actually solo champions super easy once he gets a few items.  His only problems seem to be Annie and Fiddlesticks but besides that, he is a better pick if you're going for tanky supports such as Leona.

Leona - Leona is an initiating/peeling monster.  She allows your team to set up kills super easy and once ahead she is so hard to take down with her natural tankiness.  With the increased gold flow she can actually be a huge front line for your team and being able to safely dive with free defensive stats, it's no wonder why having an extra real front line helps her team win so well.

Thresh - Thresh has always been great but now with the increased gold flow he can fulfill his true purpose.  Being a disruptive support that can take a beating as well.  He does well with tanky items and peeling or initiating for his team.  Without the gold income he was already good enough with iniation and his lantern, but now with the added tankiness, he is one tough cookie to crack.

Annie - She will one shot your carries, pretty much enough said.  Her initiation is super scary and she is best played offensively.  She's not that great from behind because she can be squishy but when she's ahead she will go toe to toe with your AP carry no joke, no lies.

Tier 2 Supports in 3.14

Morgana - Morgana is great because so much of what is popular now has alot of CC.  Her black shield helps with preventing your teammates from getting caught and of course the magic damage absorb is helpful.  Her ultimate is kinda similar to say like a Zyra, where if people want to dive your team, you can punish them for it.  And on top of that, for initiation she will spread the enemy team like the Red Sea.  When she gets her Zhonya's she's hard to deal with with all of the tools she brings to fights.

Fiddlesticks - That annoying ass scare crow... not a whole lot needs to be said with this guy.  He's so good against assassins and all in types of champions with his foreverfear and foreversilence.  If you get initated by a Fiddlesticks chances are you or your teammate will be food for the crows.

Well that's my list of top tier champions in this patch so far.  Hope you enjoyed it!  If you have any comments let us know what you think is strong this patch?  Or even who needs to be buffed or brought in line with the others!  Until next time, thank you all!